- 2014.10.10Shadow and Ice, Conjurer is co...
- New class – Conjurer-The master of shadow and ice has arrived!
Spirit tales will release a new race called Fin along with its special class “Conjurer”! Here is a special introduction to its ...
- 2014.09.24Treasure Tree Adventure
- To open the Treasure Tree Adventure, click on the Koala button next to the small map to begin. The first time you use the Treasure Tree, click the "New Adventure" button in the upper right corner to ...
- 2014.08.08Like a typhoon! New class “Bl...
- To celebrate the release of Spirit Hare’s new class “Blade Mage”, we will introduce the feature of each 2nd and 3rd class of “Blade Mage”.
“1st class – Blade Mage” is proficient with...
- 2014.06.12Elites of Glorious Shield, Fig...
- Event 1. Guess the winner
Event time: 6.12 – 7.13 (server time)Eligible participants: All Spirit Tales playersEvent location: Spirit Tales forumEvent requi ...
- 2014.05.06Spirit Tales Carnival
- As of May 10th, Spirit Tales will be two years old! Happy Birthday, Spirit Tales! To celebrate the two-year anniversary, the Southern Continent is holding a grand Spirit Tales Carnival. The Spirit Tal...