Creating or joining a guild is a good way to socialize with both old and new friends alike, as well as providing you with a better means to carry out those difficult quests and dungeons that you are sure to come across. If guilds interest you, you can try and join an established guild that suits your tastes, or create a new one entirely from the ground up.
Creating a Guild
If your character has reached level 20 and has not yet joined a guild, you can search for Glorious Shield on various maps. After you have applied with the guild manager and the application is accepted, a handling fee of 1 Gold will be charged to get your guild development under way. If there are any related problems, an inquiry can be made by selecting the question mark on the guild system page.

Raising Your Guild Level
When you create or join a guild, you will be able to raise the Guild’s EXP by completing various guild quests. When the Guild’s EXP has reached a certain number, the guild will level-up automatically. As a guild’s level rises, the guild’s functions will increase and change accordingly. The maximum number of guild members will also increase, allowing for the guild to grow and become even stronger.
▲ Guild quests can be bought after finding Glorious Shield Guild Manager
Guild Interface
A. Guild Information:
1. Guild Name: Displays the name of your guild.
2. Guild Rank: Displays your character’s rank within the guild.
3. Online Members: Displays the current number of members in the guild, the maximum number of members, and the current number of online members.
4. Chief: Displays the name of your Chief.
5. Established: Displays when your guild was established.
6. Join Date: Displays when you joined the guild.
7. Guild Tax Rate: Displays the tax rate of your guild (When members kill monsters, solve quests, or receive gold, in-game money will be used to fund the guild according to this tax rate)
8. Guild Treasury: Displays your guild funds.
9. Guild Level: Displays the current level of your guild.
10. Announcements: Displays guild announcement information.
B. Members
1. Name: Displays the name of guild members.
2. Level: Displays the level of guild members.
3. Class: Displays current class of guild members.
4. Contribution: Displays the contribution points that guild members have received from completing the various guild quests.
5. Rank: Displays the current guild rank of the guild member.
6. Current Location: Displays the current location of a guild member (If the guild member is not online, then offline time is displayed)
7. Display offline members: When selected, the member list will generate and display all offline member information.
C. Guild Management
1. Set Tax Rate: Change guild tax rate.
2. Donate money: After selecting, a certain amount of in-game money can be entered and donated to the guild.
3. Edit Announcements: Change or replace the guild announcement content.
4. Recruit: After selecting, enter the player ID and that player will receive an invitation to join your guild.
5. Disband Guild: Disband the guild (Only the chief has this privilege).
6. Leave Guild: Leave the guild you are currently a member of.
Guild Message
When a guild member uses a guild function related to money, a guild message will record the time of the occurrence as well as information pertaining to the action.
A. Guild Privileges
Set Privileges: Set the privileges of each rank within the guild; for example, the privilege to write announcements, change ranks, etc.
B. Guild Message Board
This is where guild members can leave messages. Unread messages will have the word “NEW” displayed to the left of the subject as a reminder. Each guild has a total of 20 message pages, with messages of no more than 109 characters. If a member has message management privileges, he or she will be able to delete the messages.